mardi 11 novembre 2014

Wednesday 12th November

Hi Alexandre and Kathleen! Today we're going to learn about prepositions.

Activity one - Learning new words

Look at the image below. What is the relationship between the caterpillar and the apple? Copy down the prepositions (underlined) into your work book. Can you think of any more examples where these prepositions can be used?

Activity 2 - What is the relationship?

Look at the images below. What is the relationship between the character and the object? Use the apple/caterpillar picture to help you.




Activity 3 - Preposition worksheets

Instructions: Look at the images and fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.



Activity 4 - Preposition board game

Take it in turns to roll the dice. If you land on a word, use the word in a sentence. If you land on an image, use a word to describe the picture. If you land on a word and an image create your own sentence. The first player to the finish wins!

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